<<continue "You hate this place.">>You hate this place.\n\n<<continue "You hate the grey.">>You hate the grey.\n\n<<continue "You hate the crossroads.">>You hate the crossroads.\n\nSap splatters <<continue "on your face.">>on your face.\n\nIt tastes like <<continue "death.">>death and <<continue "copper.">>copper.\n\nYou don't stop chopping [[until it falls]].
The twist in a <<continue "vulture's beak.">>vulture's beak.\n\nThe long wings of an <<continue "eagle.">>eagle.\n\nHollow eyes set into sun-bleached <<continue "raven bones.">>raven bones.\n\n<<continue "Everything is quiet.">>Everything is quiet.\n\n[[Everything is dead]].
Bark bites at your hands, and the branches become heavy with leaves <<continue "the further up you go.">>the further up you go.\n\nIt's impossible to tell <<continue "which way is the best way up.">>which way is the best way up.\n\n[[Climb Left|up]]\n[[Climb Right|up]]
You meet a <<cyclinglink "bat winged angel" "a headless mourner" "a girl with a faded dress" end>> — all cast from the same <<continue "greyish white stone.">>greyish white stone.\n\nThey have to be stone. <<continue "You've checked.">>You've checked.\n\nThey're cold, still and <<continue "dead.">>dead.\n\nUntil you <<continue "turn away.">>turn away.\n\nAnd they set you [[on a new path.|pointing right]].
The office walls muffle <<continue "the sounds from outside.">>the sounds from outside so you can almost pretend <<continue "they aren't here.">>they aren't here.\n\nThe place is littered with the <<continue "evidence of life.">>evidence of life.\n\nA half eaten <<continue "candy bar.">>candy bar.\nCoffee — <<continue "still warm.">>still warm. \n\nBut you still don't see <<continue "a soul.">>a soul.\n\nAnd all you hear are <<continue "the animals.">>the animals.\n\nThere is a door leading out to the back of the <<if visited("the aviary") is 1>>[[the aviary|aviary back]]<<else if visited("the reptile house") is 1>>[[the reptile house|reptile back]]<<endif>>.
Empty cages filled with dying foliage line each side of the path leading <<continue "further into the zoo.">>further into the zoo.\n\nThe yowling continues as you reach <<continue "a fork in the road.">>a fork in the road.\nA faded sign marks <<continue "each new path.">>each new path.\n\nGo towards [[the aviary]].\nGo towards [[the reptile house]].
As you stand, you feel <<continue "a storm build up within you.">>a storm build up within you.\n\n<<continue "You were happy.">>You were happy (once).\n\nThen the chains <<continue "shattered.">>shattered.\n\nEven the pipes have <<continue "snapped.">>snapped.\n\nYou rip one of them out of the ground, rust grating <<continue "against your hand.">>against your hand.\n\nIf you can't take pleasure from fixing it,\nyou might as well [[destroy.]]
<<nobr>>\n<<if $feather is 2>><<north5>>\n<<else if (visited("climbing") is 1) and ($axe >= 1)>><<north4>>\n<<else if (visited("climbing") is 1) and ($axe is 0)>><<north3>>\n<<else if visited() >= 2>><<north2>>\n<<else if visited() is 1>><<north1>>\n<<endif>><<endnobr>>
/%Final%/The stump of an oak squats on the side of the road.\n\nThe sap has darkened into a dusty, bloody red.\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
You're panting, covered in <<continue "twigs and sap.">>twigs and sap.\n\nTired, you <<continue "drop the axe.">>drop the axe.\n\nForget about the <<continue "fire.">>fire.\n\nNight will <<continue "never come.">>never come.\n\nAnd the fallen tree is only a <<continue "hollow victory.">>hollow victory.\n\n<<continue "There has to be a way out.">>There has to be a way out.\n\nDefeated, you trudge back to the [[crossroads|cr]].\n\n<<set $feather to 2>>\n<<set $final += 1>>
/%First%/A lonely oak reaches its red-orange branches towards an endlessly grey sky. \n\n<<if visited("cr") is 1>> [[Keep walking|endless]]\n<<else>>[[Keep walking|cr]]<<endif>>
/%Without the axe%/The leaves are falling from the tree and the branches look too brittle to climb.\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
/%Second%/A lonely oak reaches its red-orange branches towards an endlessly grey sky. \n\nA low hanging branch grows near the base of the tree, perfect for [[climbing.|climbing]]\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
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The merry-go-round <<continue "won't spin again.">>won't spin again.\n\nThe slide will cut at anyone <<continue "who dares.">>who dares.\n\nYou stand alone in <<continue "a wreck of twisted metal.">>a wreck of twisted metal.\n\nAnd <<continue "fail to feel satisfied.">>fail to feel satisfied.\n\nYou drop the pipe, letting it clatter on the floor, and [[walk back to the crossroads.|cr]]\n\n<<set $key to 2>>\n<<set $final += 1>>
<<nobr>>\n<<if $chains is 2>><<south5>>\n<<else if (visited("zoo") is 1) and ($key >= 1)>><<south4>>\n<<else if (visited("zoo") is 1) and ($key is 0)>><<south3>>\n<<else if visited() >= 2>><<south2>>\n<<else if visited() is 1>><<south1>>\n<<endif>><<endnobr>>
Outside the wood, branches in your hair, blood welling up from scratches, <<continue "you look at the watch.">>you look at the watch.\n\nThe hands don't move from <<continue "twelve.">>twelve.\n\n<<continue "No matter how long you stare.">>No matter how long you stare.\n\nYou go back to [[the crossroads.|cr]]\n\n<<set $axe to 2>>\n<<set $final += 1>>
/%First%/The swing set at the back of a rusty playground wails as it’s pushed in a dry breeze.\n\n<<if visited("cr") is 1>> [[Keep walking|endless]]\n<<else>>[[Keep walking|cr]]<<endif>>
/%Second%/The swing set at the back of a rusty playground wails as it’s pushed in a dry breeze.\n\n[[Would you like to play?|play]]\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
/%without chains%/Guilt gnaws at the back of your mind as you walk past the playground.\n\nYou purposefully avoid looking at where the swing should be.\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
/%with chains%/Guilt gnaws at the back of your mind as you walk past the playground.\n\nBut armed with the chains, you might be able to [[absolve your guilt]].\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
/%Final%/The only thing left is a single twisted pipe, and the seat of a swing abandoned on the floor.\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
The gate did look <<continue "different.">>different.\n\nBecause it <em>was</em> a <<continue "different gate.">>different gate.\n\nYou aren't at the front of the zoo <<continue "anymore.">>anymore.\n\nYou're staring at the back of <<continue "the squat stone buildings.">>the squat stone buildings.\n\nThey're even uglier <<continue "from behind.">>from behind.\n\nA door not far from you has a faded sign that reads "[[Employees Only]]".
You hear growling, yowling, <<continue "cawing.">>cawing.\n\nBut not a hiss or <<continue "slither.">>slither.\n\nNot a rasp of <<continue "scales behind glass.">>scales behind glass.\n\nNot a sound, when before they'd been <<continue "everywhere.">>everywhere.\n\n[[The reptile house is silent]].
The further in you walk, <<continue "the quieter it gets.">>the quieter it gets.\n\nUntil all that's left is the <<continue "hollow drip of water echoing around stone.">>hollow drip of water echoing around stone.\n\nYou peer into one of <<continue "the glass enclosures.">>the glass enclosures.\n\nThe [[bare fangs of a snake]] flash up at you from its unmoving bones.
You keep <<continue "walking down the dusty road">>walking down the dusty road \nand <<continue walking>>walking\nand <<continue walking>>walking\n\n[[and then|cr]]
You walk past <<continue "the slide.">>the slide, past <<continue "the merry-go-round.">>the merry-go-round, and <<continue "back to the swing.">>back to the swing.\n\nIt sits on the floor, <<continue "chains shattered and broken.">>chains shattered and broken.\n\n<<continue "You ruined it.">>You ruined it.\n\nWith new chains, <<continue "you string it back up.">>you string it back up.\n\nThey were meant for a tiger, <<continue "surely they can hold you.">>surely they can hold you.\n\n[[Only one way to find out.]]
When you climb to the top of the slide,<<continue " the breeze picks up.">> the breeze picks up. <<continue "Was it always so high?">>Was it always so high?\n\nOr are you just <<continue "smaller now?">>smaller now?\n\n<<continue "You push off.">>You push off.\n\nAnd <<continue "fall.">>fall.\n\n<<continue "Laughing?">><<continue "Screaming?">>Screaming?\n\nYou hit the floor <<cyclinglink "days" "hours" "minutes" "seconds" end>> later.\n\n<<timedinsert 3s>>It was such a long way.\n\n[[Go back|play]]<<endtimedinsert>>
It's hard to get things <<continue "spinning.">>spinning. \n\nThe merry-go-round creaks and stutters to life as you <<continue "push.">>push and <<continue "push.">>push and <<continue "jump on.">>jump on.\n\nIt spins slowly and you lie back, <<continue "watching the sky.">>watching the sky.\n\n<<continue "You've never seen a sky so grey.">>You've never seen a sky so grey.\n\n<<continue "Where are you?">>Where are you? <<continue "How did you get here?">>How did you get here? <<continue "How can you leave?">>How can you leave?\n\nAs you think that, the spinning stops <<continue "suddenly.">>so suddenly that your head <<continue "crashes into the pipes.">>crashes into the pipes.\n\nYour head hurts, but at least you're not bleeding.\n\n[[Go back|play]]
<<if visited() is 1>>The statue of a man lies draped over a tomb, his face covered in silent mourning.\n\n[[Look closer]]<<elseif>>\nThe statue of a man lies draped over a tomb, staring right at you.\nAt least he would be <<continue "if he had a face.">>if he had a face.\n\nThe marble has long ago fallen to dust, leaving him a featureless spectre of stone.\n\nThe arm his face was once tucked into points [[left]].<<endif>>
It can't just be this <<continue "endless">>endless, <<continue "unceasing ">>unceasing <<continue "grey.">>grey.\n\nAnd <<timedreplace 3s>>when<<becomes>>if<<endtimedreplace>> night comes, <<continue "you're going to need a fire.">>you're going to need a fire.\n\nYou grip the [[handle of the axe]] and raise it high over your head.
A golden pocket-watch dangles from her hand <<continue "like a gift.">>like a gift.\n\n<<continue "You take it.">>You take it.\n\n<<continue "Stone shudders.">>Stone shudders.\n\nYou give her <<continue "no time to move.">>no time to move, as you turn and <<continue "run.">>run.\n\nYou know you're almost [[out of time.]]
Grey paint chips off the <<continue "squat buildings.">>squat buildings. \n\nYou <<continue "turn a corner.">>turn a corner and come face to face with <<continue "your first cage.">>your first cage, high domed and <<continue "empty.\n">>empty.\n\nThe zoo is still [[screaming.]]
<<continue "Everything looks the same.">>Everything looks the same.\n\nYou climb for some time, <<continue "splinters digging into your hands.">>splinters digging into your hands.\n\nThe world is drenched in red, as light filters through [[sun-dried leaves.|You climb]]
You push aside <<continue "some of the ivy.">>some of the ivy, and read <<continue "the new text scratched in.">>the new text scratched in.\n\n<<continue "<em>Always.</em>">><em>Always.</em>\n\nIt feels like a <<continue "promise.">>promise, or <<continue "a threat.">>a threat.\n\n[[Look back at the faceless man]].
<<continue "Destroy.">>Destroy.\n\nThe pipes ring out in the open space as they <<continue "crash against each other.">>crash against each other.\n\nYou laugh as you <<continue "smash the rest of the swing to pieces.">>smash the rest of the swing to pieces.\n\nYou feel like flying as the clang of metal on metal <<continue "rings in your ears.">>rings in your ears.\n\n<<continue "You hate this place so much.">>You hate this place so much.\n\nAnd now you can <<continue "show it.">>show it.\n\n[[You destroy.]]
The further in you walk, <<continue "the quieter it gets.">>the quieter it gets.\n\nUntil all that's left is <<continue "the whisper of wind.">>the whisper of wind, and <<continue "the creak of metal.">>the creak of metal.\n\n<<continue "Suddenly.">>Suddenly, a dry crack echoes through the cage as you <<continue "step on something.">>step on something.\n\nThe [[tiny bones of a bird]] are half dust under your foot.
Snarling lions and raging tigers seem ready to leap from painted walls as you enter <<continue "the big cat enclosure.">>the big cat enclosure.\n\nYou can hear them hissing, pacing, <<continue "waiting.">>waiting.\n\nYou push aside an overgrown tree to [[peer past the bars]].
You're hesitant <<continue "at first.">>at first.\n\nBut it feels <<continue "comforting.">>comforting, <<continue "familiar.">>familiar, and you start to <<continue "swing higher.">>swing higher.\n\n<<continue "Higher.">>Higher.\n\nYou can <<continue "almost forget where you really are.">><em>never</em> forget where you really are.\n\n[[You swing higher.]]
<<cyclinglink "Justice" "The faceless man" "The skeleton" "The bat winged angel" "The headless mourner" "The girl with a faded dress" "The half-man">> follows you. \n\n<<timedinsert 3s>>You catch glimpses of them out of the corner of your eye.<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 5s>>[[They are coming]].<<endtimedinsert>>
You walk into the big cat jungle: <<continue "fearless.">>fearless, yet <<continue "terrified.">>terrified.\n\nYou see the <<continue "giant fangs.">>giant fangs, the <<continue "gaping sockets.">>gaping socket, as their <<continue "bones litter the floor.">>bones litter the floor.\n\nNot even a fly buzzes around <<continue "the remains.">>the remains.\n\nYou <<continue "stare.">>stare, until the silence feels so heavy it might <<continue "crush you.">>crush you.\n\nYou're careful to step over the bones as you head back to [[crossroads|cr]].\n\n<<set $chains to 2>>\n<<set $final += 1>>
The first thing you see here that isn't cast out of stone is <<continue "an axe.">>an axe.\n\nIt lies on the floor, in the tight grip of a man whose <<continue "legs stand tall.">>legs stand tall, as his body <<continue "lays uselessly on the ground.">>lays uselessly on the ground.\n\nThe brush, all prickly bushes and ivy, has only <<continue "gotten denser.">>gotten denser.\n\n<<continue "You take it.">>You take it.\n\nAs you turn back, you hear, for the first time, the <<continue"creaking of stone.">>creaking of stone, and turn back around.\n\nThe statue's fists are clenched in silent fury.\n\nYou meet no one else as you [[hack your way out.|cr]]\n<<set $axe to 1>>
Night has to come to this place eventually.\n<<timedinsert 2s>>[[Right?]]<<endtimedinsert>>
/%With feather%/The angel is gone.\n\nJustice is waiting, brass scales now in her hand.\n\nThe feather from the oak feels like a [[boulder in your pocket|Place it on the scales.]].\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
/%First%/An angel — wings open, arms crossed — stands by the side of the road in front of a dense wood.\nThe marble is chipped and black streaks run down its face.\n\n<<if visited("cr") is 1>> [[Keep walking|endless]]<<else>>[[Keep walking|cr]]<<endif>>
/%No feather%/The angel is gone.\n\nJustice is waiting, brass scales now in her hand.\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
/%Final%/\nBlocks of white marble sit lifelessly on the ground.\n\nBehind them, the dense wood rustles.\n\nThey are waiting.\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
Astrid Dalmady
<<nobr>>\n<<if $axe is 2>><<west5>>\n<<else if (visited("left") is 1) and ($feather >= 1)>><<west3>>\n<<else if (visited("left") is 1) and ($feather is 0)>><<west4>>\n<<else if visited() is 1>><<west1>>\n<<else if visited() >= 2>><<west2>>\n<<endif>><<endnobr>>
The dull thunk of metal hitting wood <<continue "echoes all around you.">>echoes all around you.\n\nThe wood splinters, <<continue "dry and dead.">>dry and dead.\n\n<<continue "Sap gushes.">>Sap gushes, as if it were <<continue "springtime.">>springtime.\n\n<<continue "Nothing in this place makes sense.">>Nothing in this place makes sense.\n\n[[You chop harder]].
Stone stands no match for the strength of time and the words on the tomb are faded and broken.\n\n<<continue "You brush aside some ivy.">>You brush aside some ivy, and find <<continue "something new.">>something new.\n\nScratched into the stone by tools not made to do so is <<continue "a greeting.">>a greeting.\n\n<<continue "<em>Welcome.</em>">><em>Welcome.</em>\n\nAlone in this place, you don't feel as if its exactly hospitable.\n\n[[You're done looking|right]]
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<div class="title">You are Standing at a Crossroads</div>\n\n<div class="lol">by Astrid Dalmady\n<a href="http://astriddalmady.com/" target="_blank">website</a> | <a href="https://twitter.com/dastridly" target="_blank">twitter</a></div>\n\n<div class="star">[[Start|begin]]</div>
(function () {\n "use strict";\n version.extensions['soundMacros'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 1,\n revision: 2\n };\n var p = macros['playsound'] = {\n soundtracks: {},\n handler: function (a, b, c, d) {\n var loop = function (m) {\n if (m.loop == undefined) {\n m.loopfn = function () {\n this.play();\n };\n m.addEventListener('ended', m.loopfn, 0);\n } else m.loop = true;\n m.play();\n };\n var s = eval(d.fullArgs());\n if (s) {\n s = s.toString();\n var m = this.soundtracks[s.slice(0, s.lastIndexOf("."))];\n if (m) {\n if (b == "playsound") {\n m.play();\n } else if (b == "loopsound") {\n loop(m);\n } else if (b == "pausesound") {\n m.pause();\n } else if (b == "unloopsound") {\n if (m.loop != undefined) {\n m.loop = false;\n } else if (m.loopfn) {\n m.removeEventListener('ended', m.loopfn);\n delete m.loopfn;\n }\n } else if (b == "stopsound") {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n } else if (b == "fadeoutsound" || b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.interval) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.currentTime>0) return;\n m.volume = 0;\n loop(m);\n } else {\n if (!m.currentTime) return;\n m.play();\n }\n var v = m.volume;\n m.interval = setInterval(function () {\n v = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, v + 0.005 * (b == "fadeinsound" ? 1 : -1)));\n m.volume = Math.easeInOut(v);\n if (v == 0 || v == 1) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (v == 0) {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n m.volume = 1;\n }\n }, 10);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n macros['fadeinsound'] = p;\n macros['fadeoutsound'] = p;\n macros['unloopsound'] = p;\n macros['loopsound'] = p;\n macros['pausesound'] = p;\n macros['stopsound'] = p;\n macros['stopallsound'] = {\n handler: function () {\n var s = macros.playsound.soundtracks;\n for (var j in s) {\n\t\tif (s.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n s[j].pause();\n if (s[j].currentTime) {\n\t\t s[j].currentTime = 0;\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n }\n }\n }\n var div = document.getElementById("storeArea").firstChild;\n var fe = ["ogg", "mp3", "wav", "webm"];\n while (div) {\n var b = String.fromCharCode(92);\n var q = '"';\n var re = "['" + q + "]([^" + q + "']*?)" + b + ".(ogg|mp3|wav|webm)['" + q + "]";\n k(new RegExp(re, "gi"));\n div = div.nextSibling;\n }\n\n function k(c, e) {\n do {\n var d = c.exec(div.innerHTML);\n if (d) {\n var a = new Audio();\n if (a.canPlayType) {\n for (var i = -1; i < fe.length; i += 1) {\n if (i >= 0) d[2] = fe[i];\n if (a.canPlayType("audio/" + d[2])) break;\n }\n if (i < fe.length) {\n a.setAttribute("src", d[1] + "." + d[2]);\n a.interval = null;\n macros.playsound.soundtracks[d[1]] = a;\n } else console.log("Browser can't play '" + d[1] + "'");\n }\n }\n } while (d);\n }\n}());
<<if visited() is 2>>\nYou are standing at a crossroads.\nAgain.\n<<elseif visited() is 3>>\nYou are standing at a crossroads.\nIs it the same one? \n<<elseif visited() is 4>>\nYou are trapped at a crossroads.\n<<elseif $final is 4>>\nYou are standing at a crossroads.\n\n<<extras>>\n\n[[The train is coming.]]\n<<else>>\nYou are standing at a crossroads.<<if $axe is 2>>\n\nA clock, hanging from a thick metal pole, stands at the crossroads now. Its hands are stuck at <<if $final is 1>>nine.<<else if $final is 2>>ten.<<else if $final is 3>>eleven.<<else if $final is 4>>twelve.<<endif>><<endif>><<if $chains is 2>>\n\nThe whistle of a train fills the air — distant, but piercing all the same.<<endif>><<if $feather is 2>>\n\nA wooden platform — oak — sits by the side of the crossroads. The tall pole in the center could hold the sign for a station.\nOr a noose.<<endif>><<if $key is 2>>\n\nLong rusted rails reach out beyond where you can see. Beyond the crossroads, even.<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n||[[Go North]]||\n|[[Go West]]||[[Go East]]|\n||[[Go South]]||
Inside, the noise is so loud it <<continue "rattles your skull.">>rattles your skull, but you don't see <<continue "a single wing or paw.">>a single wing or paw. \n\n<<continue "The only presence of the beasts is their howling.">>The only presence of the beasts is their howling.\n\n[[Walk further in]].
Black bars weave above your head into an elaborate latticework, locking in tall trees with red-grey leaves,<<continue " and the screaming of the birds.">> and the screaming of the birds.\n\nThey are a thousand different birds, screeching a thousand different songs, but <<continue "you can't see a single one.">>you can't see a single one.\n\nThe branches rustle as you walk, but whatever is singing<<continue " does not wish to be seen.">> does not wish to be seen.\n\nYou reach the [[end of the aviary|zoo]]. Though you saw nothing, you feel as though you've been watched.
/%With axe%/The leaves are all gone, leaving the oak grasping at the sky with skeletal fingers.\n\nThe wood looks dry and easy to [[chop]].\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
The path <<continue "seems new.">>seems new.\n\nBut soon, <<continue "you find the tomb again.">>you find the tomb again.\n\nThe faceless man is <<continue "still there.">>still there, head turned to look straight at you <<continue "as you emerge from the dense bush.">>as you emerge from the dense bush.\n\nBut the tomb <<continue "looks different.">>looks different.\n\nIvy has grown over it again, covering more <<continue "words scratched into stone.">>words scratched into stone.\n\n[[You decide to look closer.]]
<<fadeinsound "crossroads.mp3">><div class="star">You are standing at a crossroads.</div>\n\n<div class="lol">The End\n\nGame by <a href="http://astriddalmady.com/" target="_blank">Astrid Dalmady</a>\nMusic by <a href="http://immortalorchestra1838.bandcamp.com/" target="_blank">Henry Guimaraes</a></div>
<<continue "You failed.">>You failed.\n\n[[Again.]]
You <<continue "climb onto the platform.">>climb onto the platform.\n\n<<continue "Look up at the clock.">>Look up at the clock: <<continue "the hands finally move onto twelve.">>the hands finally move onto twelve.\n\nThe rusty tracks <<continue "rumble.">>rumble.\n\nThe train sounds <<continue "closer and closer.">>closer and closer.\n\n[[Could this be the way out?]]
<<fadeoutsound "crossroads.mp3" >>When you wake up, you notice the rumbling of the train <<continue "has stopped.">>has stopped.\n\nIt feels like you slept for <<continue "a long time.">>a long time.\n\n<<continue "Someone has turned on a light.">><em>You remember a light.</em>\n\n<<continue "The train seat is raspy under your cheek.">><em>There is dirt under your cheek.</em>\n\n<<continue "<b>No.</b>">><b>No.</b>\n\n[[You open your eyes.]]
He <<continue "shows you the way.">>shows you the way, <<continue "as usual.">>as usual.\n\nThe skeleton with the flowers <<continue "is next.">>is next.\n\nIts flowers are <<continue "wilted.">>wilted; <<continue "they weren't before.">>they weren't before.\n\nYou stare at the <<continue "grinning skull.">>grinning skull, then <<continue "look away.">>look away.\n\n<<continue "Bones grab your shoulder.">>Stone grabs your shoulder.\n\nYou [[rush down the path]] before it can try to touch you again.
You drop the feather <<continue "on one side.">>on one side, and the <<continue "scales begin to tip.">>scales begin to tip.\n\nAt first, it seems like the air itself is <<continue "heavier than the feather.">>heavier than the feather, pushing the other side, <<continue "down.">>down, <<continue "down.">>down.\n\nBut <<continue "you look again.">>you look again, and the dish is <<continue "full of blood.">>full of blood.\n\n<<continue "Stone creaks.">>Stone creaks. \n<<continue "You jump back.">>You jump back.\n\nAnd Justice's sword shows you [[a new path]].
You can <<continue "almost touch the sky.">>almost touch the sky.\n\nYou swing <<continue "just a bit higher.">>just a bit higher.\n\nAnd the chains <<continue "snap.">>snap.\n\nLike <<continue "Icarus">>Icarus,\n<<continue "inevitably">>inevitably\n[[You\nFall|You Fall]]
<<nobr>>\n<<if $key is 2>><<east5>>\n<<else if (visited("swing") is 1) and ($chains >= 1)>><<east4>>\n<<else if (visited("swing") is 1) and ($chains is 0)>><<east3>>\n<<else if visited() >= 2>><<east2>>\n<<else if visited() is 1>><<east1>>\n<<endif>><<endnobr>>
You are Standing at a Crossroads
You used to play in a place just like this when you were young.\nAlbeit, with less rust and a lower risk of tetanus.\n\n<<if visited("slide") is 0>>[[Play on the slide.|slide]]<<endif>>\n<<if visited("round") is 0>>[[Play on the merry-go-round.|round]]<<endif>>\n<<if visited("play") is 3>>[[Play on the swing.|swing]]<<endif>>
<<continue "You run.\n">>You run.\n\nThe ivy <<continue "tangles around your feet.">>tangles around your feet.\nYou <<continue "struggle it off.">>struggle it off.\n\nBranches <<continue "scratch at your face.">>scratch at your face.\n<<continue "You bleed.">>You bleed.\n\nFlashes of <<continue "white.">>white, of <<continue "wings.">>wings, <<continue "a bony hand.">>a bony hand almost on your shoulder again.\n\n[[You crash.]]
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The ground <<continue "shudders.">>shudders.\n\n[[You shudder]].
There is <<continue "dirt under your cheek.">>dirt under your cheek.\n\nIn front of you, <<continue "a key glistens.">>a key glistens.\n\nYou take it, shaking <<continue "links of metal, rust and guilt from your chest.">>links of metal, rust and guilt from your chest.\n\nSomething cries in the distance as you wonder <<continue "what it opens.">>what it opens.\n\n[[Leave the playground|cr]], before you can break anything else.\n<<set $key to 1>>
<<continue "But there are no bars.">>But there are no bars.\n\nThe lions, wherever they are now, have torn through metal like flesh, leaving nothing in their wake but chains on the jungle floor.\n\n<<continue "Can you hear them stalking?">>Can you hear them stalking?\n\nA whisper.\n<<continue "Run.">>Run.\n\nA growl.\n<<continue "Faster.">>Faster.\n\n[[Something grabs your foot.]]
/%Final%/The gate is locked.\n\nThe zoo is silent.\n\nEverything is dead.\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
/%with the key%/The creatures cries are louder than before.\n\nThe gate looks somehow different.\n\nBut now you have [[the key]].\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
You follow the <<continue"path of the pointing angel.">>path of the pointing angel and find another monument of marble <<continue"standing alone.">>standing alone.\n\nIt is <<continue "Justice.">>Justice.\n\nShe stands alone among the ivy, her scales lost as <<continue "one hand sits empty.">>one hand sits empty.\n\nHer sword points [[right]], cutting through the heavy brush.\n\n/%Mention something about her scales, the scales will tip over when you place the feather on them%/
/%Second%/Behind a iron fence, a zoo clamors for your attention. Birds shriek, wolves howl and metal rattles with the force of them.\n\nYou hadn't noticed the [[gate before|open]].\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
/%First%/Behind a iron fence, a zoo clamors for your attention. Birds shriek, wolves howl and metal rattles with the force of them.\n\n<<if visited("cr") is 1>> [[Keep walking|endless]]\n<<else>>[[Keep walking|cr]]<<endif>>
You see the road stretch north, on and on towards a grey horizon. You should be able to see the crossroads\n<<continue "but you don't.">>but you don't.\n\nThere is nothing but emptiness and grey. Where are you, and <<continue "how can you get out?">>how can you get out?\n\n\n<<continue "You dive back into the boughs of the tree.">>You dive back into the boughs of the tree. \n\nOn your way down, a <<continue"white feather settles in your hair.">>white feather settles in your hair, even though you haven't seen [[a single bird.|white feather]]\n
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/%FSecond%/An angel — wings open, [[pointing left]] — stands by the side of the road in front of a dense wood.\nThe marble is chipped and black streaks run down its face.\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
A grey train <<continue "slides into the station.">>slides into the station.\n\nYou <<continue "don't hesitate to get on.">>don't hesitate to get on.\n\n[[Anywhere is better than here.]]
The many tiny bones of a <<continue "viper's spine.">>viper's spine.\n\nThe twisted curve of a bone white <<continue "lizard tail.">>lizard tail.\n\n<<continue "Everything is quiet.">>Everything is quiet.\n\n[[Everything is dead]].
Their chains have wound themselves <<continue "around your ankle.\n">>around your ankle.\n\nYou try to <<continue "push them off.">>push them off.\n\n<<continue "The growling grows louder.">>The growling grows louder.\n\nYou stand and <<continue "run.">>run, chain dragging heavy <<continue "behind you.">>behind you, all the way back to the [[crossroads|cr]].\n\n<<set $chains to 1>>
There is only one more exhibit standing between you and the exit.\n\nThe [[Big Cats|big cats]] yowl.\n\n
<<continue "Up">>Up and\nup.\n\n<<continue "Higher">>Higher\nand\n<<continue "higher.">>higher.\n\nThe air is <<continue "thin.">>thin.\nYour hands are <<continue "bleeding.">>bleeding.\n\n[[Breaking the surface|break the surface]] of the leaves,\nyou gasp as if you'd been drowning.
Something is <<continue "following you.">>following you.\n\nIt rustles in the bushes, <<continue "barely a whisper.">>barely a whisper.\n\n<<continue "But it's there.">>But it's there.\n\nAnd with <<continue "every statue you pass.">>every statue you pass.\n\nIt gets <<continue "louder.">>louder.\n\n[[They are following you.]]
<<fadeinsound "crossroads.mp3">>All you remember about before is <<continue "light.">>light.\n\n<<continue "Something happened.">>Something happened, and knocked you <<continue "off your feet.">>off your feet.\n\nAll you have now is <<continue "dirt under your cheek.">>dirt under your cheek,\nand the knowledge that\nwherever you are\n<<continue "you weren't here before.">>you weren't here before.\n\n[[Open your eyes, and Get Up|cr]].
The seats are <<continue "all empty.">>all empty.\n\nSo you find a place to <<continue "spread out and sit.">>spread out and sit.\n\nYou feel <<continue "tired.">><em>exhausted.</em>\n\nWith a lurch, [[the train begins to move.]]
A single swing still clings to the frame by rusty chains.\n\n<<continue "You sit.">>You sit, and let yourself sway <<continue "back and forth.">>back and forth.\n\nThis isn't so bad. <<continue "Is it?">>Is it?\n\nAt least, for once, <<continue "it's quiet.">>it's quiet.\n\nAt least, like always, <<continue "you're alone.">>you're alone.\n\nSo when the chain <<continue "snaps.">>snaps, and you crash to the ground, [[there is no one to help you up.|Fix it]]
/%Without the key%/The creatures cries are louder than before.\n\nAnd the gate is locked now.\n\n[[Keep walking|cr]]
You have to leave the tree before you can <<continue "take a look at the feather.">>take a look at the feather.\n\nAs you hold it in your hand, it seems to get <<continue "heavier.">>heavier.\n\nYou stuff it in your pocket, where it sits like a stone. \n<<set $feather to 1>>\n[[Keep Walking|cr]]
The leaves are dense and rasp against your skin.\n\nMaybe if you reach the top, you can look around and [[find a way out.]]
You hear growling, yowling, <<continue "hissing.">>hissing.\n\n<<continue "But no birds.">>But no birds.\n\nNot a flutter of wings <<continue "among the branches.">>among the branches.\n\nNot a caw, when before they'd been <<continue "everywhere.">>everywhere.\n\n[[The aviary is silent]].
The building is dark and damp, more like a cave than anything else. <<continue "Glass cases line the walls.">>Glass cases line the walls.\n\nFrom inside the cases comes a low slithering and rattling that goes down into your bones. But looking to see the source of the noise is impossible, <<continue "every case is fogged up.">>every case is fogged up.\n\nHeavy from the heat and the stifling air, you walk through the reptile house, flinching at the <<continue "hisses and taps against glass.">>hisses and taps against glass.\n\nThough you saw nothing, you can almost feel scales crawling over you as you [[walk back outside.|zoo]]\n\n
You stare out the window <<continue "for a while.">>for a while, but it <<continue "all looks the same.">>all looks the same.\n\nJust <<continue "wide open space.">>wide open space.\n\nAnd endless, endless <<continue "grey.">>grey.\n\nBut at least you haven't seen <<continue "a tree.">><<continue "a statue.">><<continue "a playground.">><<continue "a zoo.">>a zoo.\n\nIt might never be night <<continue "here.">>here.\n\nBut it feels like it's finally <<continue "time to rest.">>time to rest.\n\nYou <<continue "close your eyes.">>close your eyes.\n\nAnd the [[train moves on.]]
You know <<continue "it wasn't there before.">>it wasn't there before.\n\nBut it doesn't stop you from crashing into the angel, <<continue "face streaked with black.">>face streaked with black.\n\nHer hands are <<continue "held out for you.">>held out for you.\n\nA <<continue "promise?">>promise?\nOr <<continue "a threat?">>a threat?\nOr <<continue "neither?">>neither?\n\nIn her hand, there is [[a glint of gold.]]
<<if $axe is 2>>A clock, hanging from a thick metal pole, stands at the crossroads now. Its hands are stuck at <<if $final is 1>>nine.<<else if $final is 2>>ten.<<else if $final is 3>>eleven.<<else if $final is 4>>twelve.<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $chains is 2>>The whistle of a train fills the air — distant, but piercing all the same.<<endif>>\n<<if $feather is 2>>A wooden platform — oak — sits by the side of the crossroads. A long pole in the center could hold the sign for a station.\nOr a noose.<<endif>>\n<<if $key is 2>>Long rusted rails reach out beyond where you can see. Beyond the crossroads, even.<<endif>>
There are chunks of white marble on the paths, remnants of what must have been <<continue "a much larger collection.">>a much larger collection.\n\nThe next statue — a bone white skeleton holding a bouquet of flowers — is missing an arm. \n\n<<continue "Is it one of the chunks on the floor?">>Is it one of the chunks on the floor?\n\n<<continue "It isn't.">>It isn't, but once you turn back, the skull is <<continue "grinning.">>grinning, flowers outstretched towards a [[path you hadn't seen before]].